Jas Towsend & Son, Inc.
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The Silly Sisters
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BERNARDO DE GALVEZ IN LOUISIANA 1776-1783, John Walton Caughey, University of California Press, Berkley, California, 1934.
BERNARDO DE GALVEZ'S SIEGE OF PENSACOLA IN 1781 (AS RELATED IN ROBERT FARMAR'S JOURNAL), Edited by James A. Padgett. The Louisiana Historical Quarterly, Vol 26, No. 2. April 1943. THE CAMPAIGN THAT WON AMERICA The Story of Yorktown, Burke Davis, Eastern Acorn Press, 1970. Library of Congress Catalogue Number: 76-103429 THE FINAL CAMPAIGN OF THE AMERICAN REVOLUTION The Rise and Fall of the Spanish Bahamas, James A. Lewis, University of South Carolina Press, 1991. ISBN 0-87249-726-7 FRANCISCO BOULIGNY A Bourbon Soldier in Spanish Louisiana, Gilbert C. Din, Louisiana State University Press, Baton Rouge and London, 1993. ISBN 0-8071-1795-1 HISPANIC PRESENCE IN THE UNITED STATES, Frank de Varona, Editor, Mnemosyne Publishing Company , Miami, Florida, 1993. ISBN 1-56675-029-6 HONOR AND FIDELITY: The Louisiana Infantry Regiment and the Louisiana Militia Companies, 1766-1821, Jack D.L. Holmes, The Louisiana Collection of Books and Documents on Colonial Louisiana, Birmingham, Alabama, 1965. LOUISIANA PATRIOTS 1776-1783, National Society Daughters of the American Revolution, 1776 D Street N.W. Washington D.C. 20006-5392, 1994. THE JOURNAL OF DON FRANCISCO DE SAAVEDRA DE SANGRONIS 1780-1783, Edited and Introduced by Francisco Morales Padrón, Translated by Aileen Moore Topping, University of Florida Press, Gainsville, 1989. ISBN 0-8130--0877-8 THE LOG OF THE H.M.S. MENTOR 1780-1781 A New Account of the British navy at Pensacola, James A. Servis, Editor, University of West Florida, Pensacola, 1982. ISBN 0-8130-0704-6 MARYLAND LOYALISTS, In The American Revolution, M. Christopher New, Tidewater Publishers, Centreville, Maryland 21617, 1996. ISBN 0-87033-495-6 THE SIEGE OF MOBILE 1780 IN MAPS, William S. Coker and Hazel P. Coker, Vol IX Spanish Borderland Series, The Perdido Bay Press, Pensacola, 1982. ISBN 0-933776-11-X THE BATTLE OF PENSACOLA Spain's Final Triumph Over Great Britain in the Gulf of Mexico, N. Orwin Rush, The Florida State University, Tallahassee, 1966. Library of Congress Catalogue Card Number: 66-64092 SPAIN, BRITAIN, AND THE AMERICAN REVOLUTION IN FLORIDA, 1763-1783, James W. Raab, McFarland &Company Inc. Publishers, Jefferson, North Carolina 28640 and London, 2008. ISBN-13-978-0-7864-3213-4 |
THE SIEGE OF PENSACOLA, 1781, in MAPS, William S. Coker and Hazel P. Coker, Vol VIII Spanish Borderland Series, The Perdido Bay Press, Pensacola 1981. ISBN 0-933776-07-1
THE SPANISH IN NEW ORLEANS AND LOUISIANA, José Montero de Pedro, Marqués da Casa Mena, Richard E. Chandler, Translator, Pelican Publishing Company, Gretna, 2000. ISBN 1-56554-685-7 SIEGE, Spain and Britain: Battle of Pensacola March 9 May 8, 1781, Virginia Parks, Editor, Pensacola Historical Society, 1981. ISSN 0275-3669 ISBN 0-99566-00-1 SPANISH OBSERVERS AND THE AMERICAN REVOLUTION 1775-1783, Light Townsend Cummins, Louisiana State University Press, Baton Rouge and London, 1991.ISBN 0-8071-1690-4 SPAIN AND THE INDEPENDENCE OF THE UNITED STATES An Intrinsic Gift, Thomas E. Chávez, University of New Mexico Press, Albuquerque, 2002. ISBN 0-8263-2793-1 SPAIN FORGOTTEN ALLY OF THE AMERICAN REVOLUTION, Buchanan Parker Thompson, The Christopher Publishing House, North Quincy, Massachusetts, 1976. ISBN 0-8158-0341-9 SPANISH MILITARY WEAPONS IN COLONIAL AMERICA 1700-1821, Sidney B. Brinckerhoff, Pierce Chamberlain, Stackpole Books, Cameron and Kelker Streets, Harrisburg, Pennsylvania 17105. ISBN 0-8117-1584-1 THE TEXAS CONNECTION With the American Revolution, Robert H. Thonhoff, Eakin Press, Austin, Texas, 2000. ISBN 1-57-168-418-2 YO SOLO, The Battle Journal of Bernardo de Gálvez During the American Revolution, E.A. Montemayor, Translator, Polyanthos Press, New Orleans, 1978. Library of Congress Catalogue Card No. 77-090109 WHEN THE FRENCH WERE HERE A Narrative of The Yorktown Campaign, Stephen Bonsal, Doubleday, Doran and Company, Inc. Garden City, New York, 1945. TRAFALGAR and the Spanish Navy, John D. Harbron, Naval Institute Press, Annapolis, Maryland 21042, 1988. ISBN 0-87021-695-3 THE LONGEST SIEGE OF THE AMERICAN REVOLUTION: PENSACOLA, Wesley S. Odom, First paperback edition 2009. ISBN-13: 9780615290232 and ISBN-10: 061529023X, Library of Congress Number 2009903759 I ALONE, Bernardo de Galvez and the taking of Pensacola 1781, A Spanish Contribution to the Independence of the United States, Carmen de Reparaz, Walter Rubin Translator, Ediciones de Cultura Hispanica ICI, Madrid, Spain, 1993. ISBN 64-7232-657-8 |
"Leading a Raid Against Loyalists, James Willing Only Succeeded in Turning the Local Populace Against His Cause,"
J. Barron Starr, Military History Magazine, February 1995. "Gálvez- An Unsung Patriot" Thomas E. Van Hyning, The Sons of the American Revolution Magazine, Fall 1996. "Spain's Report on the War With the British in Louisiana," Jac Nachbin, Louisiana Historical Quarterly, Vol XV, # 3. P468-481, 1932. |
"Spanish Governor Bernardo De Gálvez Salvaged the Gulf Coast for the Future United States,"
Hubert L. Koker, Military History Magazine, June 1993. "The Spanish Louisiana Regiment, 1769-1803", René Chartrand, Military Illustrated Magazine, April-May 1988. "Spain and The American Revolution", COBBLESTONE Magazine, November 2000 |
YO SOLO, Bernardo de Gálvez y la Toma de Panzacola en 1781, Carmen de Reparaz, Ediciones Serbal S.A/ICI ., Guitard,
45-08014 Barcelona, España, 1986. ISBN 84-7628-012-2 Serbal ISBN 84-7232-391-9 ICI "1781 Registro de la Primera Empresa por la Libertad, En Pensacola", Francisco de Miranda, Revista America Espera, Caracas, Venezuela, Biblioteca Ayacucho, 1982. "LA CAMPAÑA DE PENSACOLA, 1781", Manuel Petinal, Editorial Almena, Madrid, 2002 |
EL GRÁN ATAQUE A GIBRALTAR DE 1782 (Análisis militar, político y diplomático) José L. Terrón Ponce, Ministerio de Defensa, Madrid, 2000. ISBN 84-7823-738-0
"ESPAÑA Y LA INDEPENDENCIA DE LOS ESTADOS UNIDOS", Eric Beerman, Editorial Arguval, Málaga, España, 1992. "ESPAÑA Y LA INDEPENDENCIA DE LOS ESTADOS UNIDOS DE NORTEAMERICA", Manuel Ballesteros Gaibrois, Instituto Puertorriqueño de Cultura Hispánica, Gráficas Yagües, Madrid, 1956. |