Infantry of the Line
Infantry of the Line are the soldiers who provide the backbone of the battle and fight in linear formations.
Infantry of the Line Basic Kit
Regimental coat
White linen, canvas duck or summer-weight wool with royal blue lining, collar, cuff, and turnbacks. The Regimental coat is single breasted with ten one-inch flat faced pewter buttons running down the right side and no buttons on the left side. Three buttons are attached to each of the coat's two pockets and two more sit at about waist level above the tails. Small clothes Royal blue linen waistcoat and breeches with pewter buttons. White linen or cotton waistcoat and breeches may also be worn. A long sleeved white linen waistcoat, know as a "la chupa" can be worn. La chupa is closed by a single row of half-inch pewter buttons. Three more buttons are sewn by each pocket and one at the opening of each sleeve. A white linen 18th century soldier's shirt White linen cravats were worn around the neck instead of a neck-stock, but a white linen or cotton neck-stock may be worn. |
Accessories White canvas gaiters that are fitted over the knee and fastened on the outside of the leg by a row of sixteen small round dark horn buttons. A black leather strap attaches to the bottom of the inside of the gaiter, runs under the instep of the shoe and attaches to a button to keep it in place. Gaiters protect the soldier's stockings and shoes. [Gaiters pattern] Black leather garters placed over the gaiter just under the knee. Garters help to hold the gaiters in place. White stockings Plain black shoes with silver buckles A black cocked hat, made of stiffened black felt and edged with ¾" white tape. The hat has a red satin bow shaped cockade fixed on the left side of the front corner by a white loop. A plain black leather cartridge box (cartuchera) slung with either a white leather or buckskin strap. [Original cartucheras were embossed on the outer flap with the Royal Arms highlighted by red paint.] A plain white linen or canvas haversack [Haversack pattern] A water canteen Weapons A flint lock musket, bayonet, bayonet scabbard (leather sheath for the bayonet), flints and musket tools. |
Genadiers provide the shock troops on the field.
Grenadier Hat A tall black fur cap with a long, flat 'bag' falling behind. The 'bag' is royal blue and highly decorated with an embroidered, colored crest of the arms Spanish Louisiana. Officers and sergeants caps are also trimmed with silver. |
Genadiers Basic Kit
Regimental coat Same regimental coat as Infantry of the Line Small clothes Same small clothes as Infantry of the Line Accessories Same accessories as Infantry of the Line, except for the hat. Weapons A flint lock musket with bayonet, bayonet scabbard (leather sheath for the bayonet), flints and musket tools. Steel-hilted hanger (sword) |